Property building in Creta Maris Resort

Creta Maris Resort


美しいCreta Maris Resortへようこそ。ギリシャのリミニ・ケルソニソスの中心に位置する五つ星の地中海のオアシスです。賑やかな市中心部からわずか0.4マイルの距離にあるこの豪華な避難所は、旅行者に太陽を浴び、ビーチフロントで波の音を楽しみ、オンサイトのレストランで美味しい料理を堪能することを招待します。$246から始まる価格で、財布に優しい価格で楽園を体験できます!

Creta Marisでは、印象的なアメニティのラインナップで冒険が待っています!素晴らしいウォーターパークで遊んだり、屋内外のプールでリラックスしたり、子供たちが無料のキッズクラブや遊び場で楽しむことができます。リラクゼーションを求める方には、スパとマッサージサービス(追加料金あり)を提供しており、リフレッシュして帰ることができます。さらに、無料の駐車場、WiFi、テニスからミニゴルフまでのさまざまなアクティビティがあり、旅行仲間全員が楽しめるものが見つかります。そして、夜の魔法を加えるライブ音楽パフォーマンスもお見逃しなく!

1,700件以上のレビューを持つこのリゾートは、フレンドリーな雰囲気、壮観な山の景色、そしてセンスよくデザインされた防音室で多くの旅行者の心をつかんでいます。きらめくサンデッキ、無料のビーチチェア、そして魅惑的な庭は、本を楽しんだり、温かい天候の中で日光浴をしたりするのに最適です。Creta Marisの魅力を探求し、落ち着いたら、もう二度と離れたくなくなるでしょう!

Garden view in Creta Maris Resort
Pool view in Creta Maris Resort



1 ダブルベッド


290 平方フィート

デラックス, ダブル/2シングルベッド, 海の景色



2 シングルベッド


290 平方フィート

デラックス, 2 シングルベッド, 海の景色






1 キングサイズベッド

2 ソファベッド


645 平方フィート

プレミアムスイート, 海の景色






Creta Maris Resortでは、プールでの楽しみは止まりません!水が大好きな方には、さまざまなオプションが揃っていて、きっと喜んでいただけるでしょう。広々とした季節限定の屋外プールの豊富なセレクションに飛び込んで、落ち着きを求める大人専用のエスケープや、小さな子供たちが思いっきり楽しめる活気あふれる子供専用プールを見つけてください。また、すべての年齢層に適したプールは、家族全員が参加できる楽しさを保証します。幼児から祖父母まで、みんなで水しぶきを上げて楽しめます!リフレッシュドリンクを飲みながら、ラウンジャーで日光浴をするのをお忘れなく!

料理愛好家にとって、Creta Maris Resortはまさに美食の楽園です。さまざまなレストランで提供される美味しいダイニング体験のビュッフェからお選びください。それぞれが独自の魅力を持っています。エノミーで地中海の美味を楽しむもよし、エスティアでイタリアとギリシャの味を堪能するもよし、マデミでロマンチックなグリルBBQの夜を過ごすもよし、あなたの味覚は喜びで踊ることでしょう。家族向けの雰囲気が整っているので、誰でも歓迎され、プラティアやピトスでロマンチックな夜のためのエレガントなダイニングも楽しめます。デザートのためにお腹を空けておくことをお忘れなく、ここでの甘いお菓子は見逃せません!

Landmark view in Creta Maris Resort
Pool view in Creta Maris Resort


笑い、リラックス、そして美食の一日を過ごした後は、夜に魅惑的なライブ音楽パフォーマンスで心を癒してください。暖かい地中海の風に包まれながら、心地よいメロディーが家族の思い出を作る完璧な背景を提供します。壮大な山の景色から魅惑的な庭のスペースまで、クレタ・マリスのすべてのコーナーがあなたをリラックスさせ、楽しませるよう招待しています。この素敵な隠れ家での滞在を今すぐ予約し、Creta Maris Resortの魔法に心を奪われてください!

Bed in Creta Maris Resort
Bed in Creta Maris Resort










Spa and wellness centre/facilities, Bed in Creta Maris Resort
Restaurant/places to eat in Creta Maris Resort


屋外, 大人専用

季節限定, 温水

屋外, 子供専用

季節限定, 温水

屋内の, 大人専用

季節限定, 温水

屋外, 全年齢

季節限定, 温水

Swimming pool in Creta Maris Resort
Spa and wellness centre/facilities, Bed in Creta Maris Resort


Enomy Restaurant

ファミリーフレンドリー, 伝統的な, 地中海, インターナショナル

Estia Restaurant

ファミリーフレンドリー, 伝統的な, ギリシャ, イタリアン, ローカル

Mademi Restaurant

ファミリーフレンドリー, モダンな, ロマンチックな, グリルBBQ

Platia Restaurant

ファミリーフレンドリー, 伝統的な, ロマンチックな, ギリシャ

Pithos Restaurant

ファミリーフレンドリー, 伝統的な, ロマンチックな, ローカル

Arismari Restaurant

ファミリーフレンドリー, 伝統的な, モダンな, 地中海, ローカル

Alatsi Restaurant

ギリシャ, シーフード

Food and drinks in Creta Maris Resort
Restaurant/places to eat in Creta Maris Resort
Swimming pool in Creta Maris Resort
The resort has been updated in the past year and it looks fantastic! The overall experience at Creta Maris is everything you hope for in a 5 star hotel. Very pleasant helpful staff, great food, fantastic amenities and just an overall feeling that all is being taken care of. My daughter has a severe nut allergy and all staff were very attentive and considerate about any food related concerns and she felt very safe and comfortable with her food choices as everything is labelled and the staff offered many times to make her special dishes but it was not necessary as all foods were very well prepared and managed. It was our second year and our favourite memories are there. Costas and George in particular made the trip from just fun to fantastic. The games and sports offered for children and adults help to form friendships with other families very quickly and helped to entertain and encourage all children to keep active and to have tons of fun. Costas and George, we really have special thanks to you both for bringing smiles to our faces every day.


If you’re in Crete this is your most definite stop We absolutely loved everything about Creta Maris , specially that in the middle of August Chaos they’ve got so many pools all around te property that you can always find a quiet one just to chill , special thanks to two Dimitri’s at the reception who went above and beyond to find our family a connecting room and with our other never ending requests and kids club activities were outstanding even for our 11 years old there was always something to do in the mini club, food all over the a la cart restaurants are amazing specially Mademi and gosh the view ! Staff are extremely professional and helpful we are definitely coming back next summer !


Magnificent resort, rooms and beds of big size, all pools very nice, all very clean, staff super friendly (they wear very nice uniforms), waterpark funny, food and drinks available all the time since they have snack points when restaurants are closed, extraordinary food quality both in buffet and a la carte restaurants. They offer towels to use at the pools or beach and exchange them for clean ones. Worth every bit of it. It takes 30-40 minutes by car to get to Iraklion


The property is HUGE and has something for everyone. There are multiple pools, restaurants and bars. It never felt crowded because of all the available places to swim, relax, eat and drink. If you are looking to go somewhere where you don’t have to do anything, this is it. Obviously, they can help you book excursions or you can participate in the scheduled activities on the property. Go and relax!


- all inclusive is actual all inclusive with almost no exceptions and exceptions are marked with asterisk upfront, no hidden costs - multiple included a la carte restaurants - delicious food - proper and strong alch coctails - smart app for restaurant booking and schedule - live performances every week - proper A/C - amazing fresh smoothies during all day - pool aerobic - spacious private parking


The resort has been updated in the past year and it looks fantastic! The overall experience at Creta Maris is everything you hope for in a 5 star hotel. Very pleasant helpful staff, great food, fantastic amenities and just an overall feeling that all is being taken care of. My daughter has a severe nut allergy and all staff were very attentive and considerate about any food related concerns and she felt very safe and comfortable with her food choices as everything is labelled and the staff offered many times to make her special dishes but it was not necessary as all foods were very well prepared and managed. It was our second year and our favourite memories are there. Costas and George in particular made the trip from just fun to fantastic. The games and sports offered for children and adults help to form friendships with other families very quickly and helped to entertain and encourage all children to keep active and to have tons of fun. Costas and George, we really have special thanks to you both for bringing smiles to our faces every day.


If you’re in Crete this is your most definite stop We absolutely loved everything about Creta Maris , specially that in the middle of August Chaos they’ve got so many pools all around te property that you can always find a quiet one just to chill , special thanks to two Dimitri’s at the reception who went above and beyond to find our family a connecting room and with our other never ending requests and kids club activities were outstanding even for our 11 years old there was always something to do in the mini club, food all over the a la cart restaurants are amazing specially Mademi and gosh the view ! Staff are extremely professional and helpful we are definitely coming back next summer !


Magnificent resort, rooms and beds of big size, all pools very nice, all very clean, staff super friendly (they wear very nice uniforms), waterpark funny, food and drinks available all the time since they have snack points when restaurants are closed, extraordinary food quality both in buffet and a la carte restaurants. They offer towels to use at the pools or beach and exchange them for clean ones. Worth every bit of it. It takes 30-40 minutes by car to get to Iraklion


The property is HUGE and has something for everyone. There are multiple pools, restaurants and bars. It never felt crowded because of all the available places to swim, relax, eat and drink. If you are looking to go somewhere where you don’t have to do anything, this is it. Obviously, they can help you book excursions or you can participate in the scheduled activities on the property. Go and relax!


- all inclusive is actual all inclusive with almost no exceptions and exceptions are marked with asterisk upfront, no hidden costs - multiple included a la carte restaurants - delicious food - proper and strong alch coctails - smart app for restaurant booking and schedule - live performances every week - proper A/C - amazing fresh smoothies during all day - pool aerobic - spacious private parking


The resort has been updated in the past year and it looks fantastic! The overall experience at Creta Maris is everything you hope for in a 5 star hotel. Very pleasant helpful staff, great food, fantastic amenities and just an overall feeling that all is being taken care of. My daughter has a severe nut allergy and all staff were very attentive and considerate about any food related concerns and she felt very safe and comfortable with her food choices as everything is labelled and the staff offered many times to make her special dishes but it was not necessary as all foods were very well prepared and managed. It was our second year and our favourite memories are there. Costas and George in particular made the trip from just fun to fantastic. The games and sports offered for children and adults help to form friendships with other families very quickly and helped to entertain and encourage all children to keep active and to have tons of fun. Costas and George, we really have special thanks to you both for bringing smiles to our faces every day.


If you’re in Crete this is your most definite stop We absolutely loved everything about Creta Maris , specially that in the middle of August Chaos they’ve got so many pools all around te property that you can always find a quiet one just to chill , special thanks to two Dimitri’s at the reception who went above and beyond to find our family a connecting room and with our other never ending requests and kids club activities were outstanding even for our 11 years old there was always something to do in the mini club, food all over the a la cart restaurants are amazing specially Mademi and gosh the view ! Staff are extremely professional and helpful we are definitely coming back next summer !


Magnificent resort, rooms and beds of big size, all pools very nice, all very clean, staff super friendly (they wear very nice uniforms), waterpark funny, food and drinks available all the time since they have snack points when restaurants are closed, extraordinary food quality both in buffet and a la carte restaurants. They offer towels to use at the pools or beach and exchange them for clean ones. Worth every bit of it. It takes 30-40 minutes by car to get to Iraklion


The property is HUGE and has something for everyone. There are multiple pools, restaurants and bars. It never felt crowded because of all the available places to swim, relax, eat and drink. If you are looking to go somewhere where you don’t have to do anything, this is it. Obviously, they can help you book excursions or you can participate in the scheduled activities on the property. Go and relax!


- all inclusive is actual all inclusive with almost no exceptions and exceptions are marked with asterisk upfront, no hidden costs - multiple included a la carte restaurants - delicious food - proper and strong alch coctails - smart app for restaurant booking and schedule - live performances every week - proper A/C - amazing fresh smoothies during all day - pool aerobic - spacious private parking



Hersonissos, Hersonissos, 70014, ギリシャ

Creta Maris Resort